Human Gamma Thrombin Purified from Innovative Research has been produced from Human alpha-Thrombin using controlled incubation with Trypsin-Sepharose. This is a frozen liquid buffered in 10 mM sodium acetate/ 0.7 M sodium chloride/ pH 6.0-HCl, with a concentration of 2mg/ml and a purity of grater than 95% as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis (no reduction when incubated with 2-mercaptoethanol).
This product is a non-clotting derivitive of Thrombin that retains its platelet-activating characteristics.
More Details:
- Source: Human Plasma
- Purification: Produced rom Human alpha-Thrombin via controlled incubation with Trypsin-Sepharose
- Purity: > 95% by SDS-PAGE (no reduction when incubated with 2-mercaptoethanol)
- Storage Conditions: -60 to -80C
At Innovative Research, we provide reliable, consistent products that deliver reliable, consistent results.
Please note – this product replaces our old product number IHGT (same product, new number).