How to Get Exercise When You Have a New Baby

By Brian Acton

Caring for a new baby is a full-time job, and other priorities can easily fall by the wayside. Whether you’re staying at home or taking care of your baby after a long day of work, it’s hard to find time to sleep, let alone maintain an exercise routine. But exercise is an important aspect of your overall health. It benefits your physical wellbeing and reduces your risk of developing conditions like diabetes or heart disease. It also provides enormous psychological benefits, and can help boost your energy at a time when you sorely need it. Here are eight ways to exercise when you have a new baby.
  1. Take Small Breaks
Prior to parenthood, you may have taken an hour or more to hit the gym, go for a run, or hop on the stationary bike. But if finding a spare hour sounds impossible, you can look for opportunities to get small bursts of exercise. Over the course of the day, knocking out 10-15 minute workouts can help you stay fit. Finding those small chunks of time is key.
  1. Workout with Baby
Exercising and caring for your baby don’t have to be separate activities. You can do simple movements at home, such as lunges or squats, using your baby as a weight, or incorporate baby into your yoga routine. Of course, long walks with a stroller can also get you a good dose of daily activity.
  1. Exercise Classes
Exercise classes often cost money, so signing up ahead of time can help motivate you to get out of the house. If you like the idea of community workout classes, see what’s available in your area. There are many options, including yoga, Crossfit, Barre, and Zumba. There are even classes designed for new moms and classes that let you bring your baby along.
  1. Find a Meet-up Group
Local parent meet-up groups can connect you with other parents who want to get active. At the very least, there may be some groups that go on walks at the local park. As a bonus, you could make some new friends and find your baby some playmates. You can find meet-up groups through local ads, online forums, or websites like Meetup.
  1. Build a Home Gym
Can’t find time to hit the gym? Cancel your membership and bring the gym home. You can find exercise equipment ranging from simple to complex, for all kinds of fitness levels and budgets. Check out our blog for tips on building a home gym.
  1. Fitness Videos
Fitness videos offer another opportunity to get an at-home workout. You can invest in popular paid programs like P90X or Beachbody, or simply use free workout videos online. There is plenty of streaming workout content available from Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, and other online sources.
  1. Get a Babysitter
Babysitters offer total freedom to enjoy a long workout. If you really need to get out of the house for some activity, hire a babysitter or recruit a friend or family member to watch your baby.
  1. Chores
Some household chores are more exercise than you think. You can definitely break a sweat mowing the lawn or cleaning out the garage. If you’re a new mom, take care not to overexert yourself. In Closing Getting back into a regular exercise routine will probably be challenging, but with some adjustments you can make it work. Just be careful not to hop back into intense exercise too fast. New moms may need some extra time to recover from delivery. Get clearance from your doctor before you start exercising too vigorously. Sources:

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